Platform - Limits

General limits

MAUs included100200 to 25,000Custom
Average connections per MAUUp to 100Up to 500Custom
Maximum storage size per roomUp to 1 MBUp to 5 MBCustom
Simultaneous connections per roomUp to 10Up to 20Custom
Team members per account1UnlimitedCustom

To learn more about how Monthly Active Users (MAU) are calculated for each plan, take a look at the pricing guide.

Other limits

roomId limit

A roomId cannot exceed 128 characters.

userId limit

A userId cannot exceed 128 characters.

userInfo limit

userInfo sent from the authentication endpoint cannot exceed 1024 characters once serialized to JSON.

Broadcast event limit

Broadcast event messages have a limit of 1 MB.

Storage limits

  • A LiveObject cannot exceed 128 kB when totalling the size of the keys and values.
  • A LiveMap can be any size, so long as each individual value does not exceed 128kB.
  • A LiveList can be any size, so long as each individual value does not exceed 128kB.

Note that when one real-time data structure is nested inside another, it does not count towards the limit. Only the JSON leaves of your data structure count towards the limit. For example, if a LiveList is nested inside a LiveObject, the LiveList and its contents do not count towards the LiveObject's data limit.