Dashboard refinements and a free plan for Comments
Today we’re announcing various refinements to our dashboard, improving usability. We’re also releasing a free plan for Liveblocks comments, allowing up to 1,000 comments per month.

At Liveblocks, we’re always looking to improve developer experience, and one such method is by offering a free plan—we’re pleased to announce that Comments is now free for all users, with 1,000 comments per month included. We’ve also improved our dashboard with a more intuitive layout, making enhancements to accessibility along the way.
Refined dashboard
We recognize the importance of an accessible, easy to use, dashboard and have accordingly made improvements. We’ve spent time refining the layout, including an improved project switcher, and creating a more refined mobile experience.

Comments is now free
Previously, Comments was only available as an add-on for Liveblocks Pro plans, but now we’ve opened it up for everyone. The new free version of Comments allows you to create up to 1,000 comments per month.
Subscribing to the unlimited comments add-on for $199/month will allow any amount of use on your Pro plan.
Get started for free
Huge thanks to Pierre Le Vaillant for his excellent work on the improved dashboard!